The Path of Love

Whew! What a whirlwind this past month has been, with packing an old house, unpacking in the new, and then selling that old house. Lots of good-byes, yet excitement to have such a burden behind me now.

Us widows know, that these momentous good-byes are tormenting with processing and deciding and acting on our own accord, without the support of being a couple handling the challenges. Listing the house became a huge milestone for me, and yet I am on the other side now.

The latest hurdle, is the buyers surprising me with a last minute, expensive request. Anger rose up, for really, you’re going to do this now? How to proceed… Where anger used to consume me, I’ve learned to stop and look closely at what is really happening.

Greed? Need? Their motivations are not my concern, for as a dear friend says, we are all strange, quirky little creatures. Sadness, surprise, fear… these underlie my anger. Yet, how to proceed… Where’s Randy? Where’s God? Where’s someone with the answers?

No answers for me, this I must walk alone. How? I’m smart, and experienced with real estate, but how do I proceed with something that is so trying on my heart? Address their request with understanding, hold my boundaries firmly, give a little, forgive, wish well, and let be… With no clear direction, I followed the path of love… and my God softened their hearts, protected me, and set this transaction on track for a smooth closing.

The path of love… for how often are we really given clear, concise direction? An anomaly for me. I’m learning that following the love, is following God and his kingdom. Not that outcomes will always be smooth or just what I wanted, but I will walk away from any outcome with peace, knowing that I chose love.

Peace… so now I sit on my new patio, surrounded by a serene forest, birds chirping, turkeys preening, the sun setting… and peace fills my being.

Love to others… Love back again to me…

Published by donnathesurvivor

Widowhood with Donna (Copyright 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024 All Rights Reserved)

2 thoughts on “The Path of Love

  1. Donna, one of the things I most appreciate and enjoy about your blog is how you are growing in your faith and trust in our precious Lord Jesus

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